Many a time's you were there for me and I thank you for that.
I have so many memories of you and the wonderful things you did, not just for me but for so many..
One memory that really stands out, we were living in SD and Ruben had left to go to Hollister bcus his mom was sick and we we're homless at the time and i didnt no what to do, I had to work and the kids were out for christmas vacation. I called to tell Linda, and that same day Lind and Bonnie showed up and brought the kids home to Gustine, no hesitation, but thats how she was always looking out for everyone and always going the extra mile. I showed up a week later to pick up the kids,, and who doesn't remember the goodie bags for the ride home, and the egg sandwiches. always thinkig of others im sure your in heaven looking down on all of us knowing how much you were loved and are being missed..